Whether it’s by planting trees, maintaining flower beds or keeping their grass green, it’s fair to say that a lot of people across New Jersey want to have the best looking yard in the neighborhood. People are willing to spend a lot of time, money and energy to get their yard just right for each summer season. Folks with the nicest yards across the country can attest to the fact that the best way to ensure they have a perfect yard is by hiring a professional for automatic sprinkler installation in Burlington County, NJ.
The top reasons homeowners install automatic systems are probably to save time and to ensure that the whole yard gets covered with water. Dragging a hose all over the yard to water everything takes a lot of time. It’s also easy to miss spots that could wither and die if they don’t get enough H2O. But did you know that another great reason to install an automatic sprinkler system is to save water? It’s true! An automatic system will help the environment by conserving water, all while saving you some money on your monthly utility bills. Here are a few ways an automatic system saves water:
- It won’t overwater: Everyone has seen pools of water on the sidewalk or street in front of recently watered yards. That shouldn’t be the norm; it’s a clear sign that the yard has been overwatered. Overwatering is a problem for at least two reasons. On top of wasting your water, overwatering can also hurt your grass and plants. Too much water can basically drown your plants. An automatic sprinkler will shut off the instant it senses that the ground is sufficiently watered.
- It won’t under-water: On the opposite end of the spectrum, you don’t want to under-water your lawn. An automatic sprinkler system won’t shut off until it’s determined that every inch of your yard has received plenty of water.
- You won’t forget to turn it off: Embarrassingly enough, remembering to turn off your sprinklers is more difficult than it should be. It’s easy to get caught up doing something around the house and wind up forgetting to shut off the system. Forgetting to turn off the water will cause the lawn to be overwatered and waste your money.
- It won’t turn on after it rains: Do you know exactly how much rainwater your yard needs after a summer shower? Probably not! Thankfully, your automatic sprinkler system does. Your system won’t turn on if we get enough rain for your lawn to be sufficiently watered. At the same time, it’ll also turn on for a bit if it needs to make up for what the rain didn’t provide.
If you’d like to have the best yard in the neighborhood while also saving money this summer, pick up the phone and call Star Sprinkler Systems Inc. for automatic sprinkler installation in Burlington County, NJ. We’re happy to walk you through all of the benefits of installing an automatic sprinkler—especially the parts about saving water.