Lawn irrigation is necessary for anyone who owns a home with a yard. However, the process has had one major flaw over the years: water loss. Too much water is lost when ineffective sprinkler systems dump and spray into unnecessary areas. That, along with the water that naturally evaporates, can contribute to future estimated water shortage problems.
Expected Water Shortages
Many sources predict a severe water shortage within the next 15 to 20 years. The scarcity is partly due to global warming and partly because of the growing population and high water usage. Each person must contribute to preserving water if everyone is to survive. Some states have already implemented rules and regulations to control the water waste numbers. However, the world still needs everyone’s cooperation to prevent significant losses from occurring. One way is to improve the sprinkler systems so they no longer waste water. It won’t solve the entire problem, but it will help with a large portion of it if all homeowners participate.
How Sprinkler Systems Can Help
The future of lawn irrigation has to change one way or the other to prevent the massive loss of water that occurs because of inefficient sprinkler systems. Designing innovative sprinklers is the most effective way to cut back. That way, people who want houses with green-grass yards can still have their dream properties, but their sprinkler systems won’t throw away gallons of water every day.
Examples of Sprinkler Systems of the Future
Future sprinkler systems will be designed to conserve water. There are already examples of such systems on the market today. The Irrigreen Genius is one of many examples. It works by using wireless technology to analyze the landscaping and then adjust the water output to the yard’s design. Gone are the days of having numerous gallons of water squirt into the street or pour into the abyss. This new system uses a precise multi-stream nozzle system that doesn’t send water where it doesn’t need to be. Users can easily set up the sprinkler system and control it using a mobile phone application.
How Advanced Sprinkler Systems Can Help You
If you’re a homeowner who likes contributing to good causes, you can invest in the Irrigreen Genius. The biggest benefit the unit will give you is the capacity to conserve water. Your contribution to water preservation may seem small, but each person’s efforts make a difference.
Aside from conserving water, the Irrigation Genius can prevent those unfortunate instances when joggers get hit with sprinkler water. The system is so amazingly precise that it will deliver water to the edges of your lawn and stop there.
Where To Buy a Unit
At least 27 different states offer this innovative model to homeowners. There’s little doubt that you’ll be able to locate a retailer by visiting the company’s website. Experts are available to discuss some additional benefits and give you your options for purchasing one for yourself.
Make a quick phone call and join the fight against water shortages. You’ll notice that your yard looks better, joggers don’t get drenched, and the water shortage likelihood reduces.