If you’re the type of person who really, truly cares about the quality of your lawn, winter is probably your least favorite season. Your lawn that was so lush and green in the spring and summer turns ugly and brown as the temperatures drop. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can really do about Mother Nature and the changing seasons. The good news is that your grass is hardy and will usually come back in full force in the spring! Keep reading to learn about freeze damage and what you can do to help prevent it.
Cold response genes
As it gets cooler out each fall, special genes called “cold response genes” kick into gear that protect your grass from freezing. These genes should become active when it’s between 32 and 50 degrees outside. Sadly, these genes don’t always activate when they should. A sudden and extreme drop in temperature leaves your grass unprepared for freezing temperatures. If this is the case, your grass could have freeze damage.
Lawn dehydration
Proper hydration is just as important for us humans as it is grass. In the winter, your lawn doesn’t get the water it needs to survive, so it turns brown. Although watering in the winter isn’t an option, you can help keep your grass green by watering every day in the spring and summer!
When does most freeze damage occur?
While freeze damage can occur in the middle of the winter, it’s most common in the late winter and early spring when the temperature gets just warm enough to thaw the grass before it freezes again at night. The cells rehydrate when the grass thaws, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, once the temperatures drop at night, the recently hydrated cells can rupture.
You can prevent freeze damage!
Simple lawn care doesn’t just keep your grass looking healthy, it can also ensure your grass doesn’t have freeze damage:
- Water: You don’t have to be a botanist to know that your lawn needs water to survive! Normal rainwater doesn’t always cut it, either. When it’s scorching hot out in the summer, your grass should be watered on a regular basis to guarantee it doesn’t turn brown and gross. Since watering can be a pain, you should consider investing in automatic sprinkler installation in Burlington County, NJ. Set your automatic sprinkler and never worry about an under-watered or over-watered lawn again.
- Fertilize: Get outside and fertilize your lawn in the spring and fall. Spring fertilization will make certain that your lawn is thick, lush and green in the summer. Spreading fertilizer in the fall can protect it from frigid temperatures.
- Aeration: Aerating your lawn can be a bit of a pain, but it’s well worth it if you want a perfect lawn. Aeration helps prevent puddling, improves drainage and helps the roots grow. Aerate in the summer to help your lawn survive the winter.
Help ensure a healthy lawn this spring and get rid of the hassle of watering your grass by calling Star Sprinkler Systems Inc. today. Automatic sprinkler installation in Burlington County, NJ guarantees a well-watered and happy lawn throughout the year.