An in-ground sprinkler system is a great convenience to many homeowners, as sprinklers hooked up to automatic timers are invariably useful for busy folks. But are you aware of the good your sprinklers do for the environment? Between nature getting sprinkled with wayward water and creatures sneaking into your garden during watering times, sprinkler water unknowingly quenches many thirsts. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how nature benefits from your sprinkler system in Burlington County, NJ:
- Waters more than just grass: When you water your lawn, you are actually watering more than just the grass. The wind, even the slightest breeze, can transport mist to other parts of the yard, and stronger winds are likely to blow streams of water in all directions. This ends up moistening nearby wild flowers and plants enough for them to thrive—plants that not only look pretty, but are fantastic for providing clean air for us to breathe, as well.
- Provides a water source for wildlife: You could build outdoor water features for backyard creatures to play in and have water to drink, but know that your sprinkler system is an excellent alternative to digging a pond or filling a birdbath daily. Water sustains life, and sprinklers provide a fresh source of water for wildlife, which is essential in times of drought or little rainfall. Consider setting backyard sprinkler heads to extend past grassy areas to reach wild plants where creatures may hang out. Alternatively, put a birdbath on your lawn and let it fill up with water every time the sprinklers turn on. Sit back and watch the birds and squirrels have a ball.
- Encourages earthworms: Ground that’s covered in dead leaves and other dead plant debris is prime real estate for earthworms, and coupled with moisture, you’ll find yourself with one happy community of worms. Not only do earthworms live in the dirt, but they also play a major role in breaking down organic matter to better the soil for plant growth—and water is an essential component needed if worms are to improve the soil. Luckily for the worms, your residential sprinklers are the perfect source for water to saturate the ground.
- Keeps dust to a minimum: Anyone who has ever lived in a dry part of the country or has gone through a drought is well aware of the immense amount of dust that can take over a space. Water from your sprinkler system in Burlington County, NJ can keep the dust to a minimum, watering the grass and plants while wetting the dry, dusty ground beneath it all. Less dust means fewer allergy triggers. In turn, you get to enjoy hanging out in your backyard more.
- Can help new growth: Every seed and young plant shoot requires water to grow, but seedlings you did not plant, such as new growth via wild plants, usually go unnoticed when you water directly by hand. Sprinklers, however, don’t discriminate. If something that needs water is in its spray path or nearby to catch stray droplets, then water it shall get.
At Star Sprinkler Systems Inc., our professional irrigation technicians are ready to make system repairs or put in an all-new sprinkler system in Burlington County, NJ. Contact our team today!