With the spring thaw nearly complete, it’s time to start thinking about summer again—specifically taking care of your land and landscape right from the get-go. For many homeowners, this means turning your irrigation systems back on again, which means calling a sprinkler system contractor in Burlington County, NJ for sprinkler system startup services.
Taking care of this simple, yet highly important task early in the year is going to yield big benefits for you and your landscape in the form of less water consumption, better moisture distribution and longevity from your system.
What are startup services?
If your landscape has a built in irrigation system, there’s a good chance that you invested in shut down services before winter started last year. Startup services are simply the opposite: getting your irrigation system back up to speed again so that it can properly serve you for the spring and summer months to come!
The process is actually quite simple, however it’s best performed by a professional to ensure that all of the details are accomplished accordingly and that there’s nothing stunting the function of your system before you start to rely on it on a regular basis during those hot and dry summer weeks! At a basic level, here’s what they entail:
- A sprinkler system contractor in Burlington County, NJ is going to turn on your irrigation water valve, to get the water flowing back throughout the entire system once again. This must be done gradually, however—if the pipes fill up too quickly, it’s going to result in a surge in pressure, which can cause sprinkler components to crack or burst!
- Next, a contractor is going to test all of the different segments of your irrigation system to make sure they’re working properly and effectively. If there’s any issue with specific sprinkler heads or water supplies to areas of your landscape, a contractor will pinpoint and resolve them.
- Adjustments can and should be made to each zone to make sure there’s proper water distribution and that all areas of your landscape are being exposed to the benefits of an irrigation system.
- Check and program your automatic watering features and assess any other features your system might have, to make sure it’s ready to operate in the capacity you need it to in the coming months.
- If your system has a weather sensor or any other type of modulator, it’s a good idea to clean this component off and make sure it’s in full working order after the rugged winter weather.
These are just the basics—your individual system will have unique needs that can be addressed by a sprinkler system contractor in Burlington County, NJ. And, having your system addressed with a seasoned eye, in a tailored capacity will ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment for the foreseeable future. If you have an irrigation system, it’s best to schedule a startup appointment as early in the year as possible—call today to get a time on the books!