Your sprinkler system has one job: to provide your lawn and garden with the appropriate amount of water to help it grow strong and consistent throughout the summer, especially in the midst of heat waves and dry spells. If your system isn’t functioning effectively, however, you might be exposing your landscape to over- or under-watering.
Too much or too little water for your landscape can both result in damage to your greenery, taking different forms depending on the amount of water received. Take a look below at some of the most common issues that can come with over- or under-watering. If you see any of these issues, let it be a sign to you that you require sprinkler repair in Burlington County, NJ.
Too much water
Many homeowners believe that there’s really no such thing as watering your lawn or garden too much. Sure, standing water is bad, but the ground will eventually absorb it, right?
Overwatering can in fact have some very terrible consequences for your lawn and garden—much worse than under-watering in fact! Take a look at some of the ramifications that too much water can have:
- You could quite literally drown your plants! While the roots of your plants will absorb water and nutrients from the ground, they also need oxygen as well. If you’re overwatering, you’re eliminating any space for oxygen absorption, which means drowning your plants.
- Standing water is a haven for insects and pests. In the summer months, when it’s hard to find a good source of water amongst drought, pests will flock to plentiful water sources. When they find the standing water in your yard, prepare for the worst. They’ll do everything from lay eggs and make nests, to trampling and eating your foliage!
- Oversaturating your soil with water can lead to erosion, which makes it harder for plants to take root. If your plants can’t take root, they’ll die and wither, which will leave you with a lackluster lawn entirely.
On top of all these things, overwatering is going to cost you a fortune! Keep an eye on your water bill for indications that you’re overwatering and, if you’re convinced you’re not, make sure you don’t have a leak!
Too little water
The drawbacks of watering too little are plain to see on your lawn and in your garden. Your lawn will yellow and eventually brown with lack of water. Your plants will begin to tip over, wilt, shed their leaves and die. And, of course, your soil will turn rock hard and crack, not allowing anything to grow properly in it.
Watering too little may sound like it’s easy enough to avoid, but you need to truly pay attention to the plants and soil to make sure you’re giving them enough water. Make sure the soil is good and soaked (with no standing water) before you turn the sprinkler system off. For lawns, a healthy shine of clinging dew is a good sign you’ve watered appropriately.
The perfect amount
To avoid over- and under-watering, it’s best to automate the process. This is why sprinkler systems are so handy during the summer months! Make sure you have yours tested and calibrated for proper watering for the upcoming season and make sure to catch up on any last minute sprinkler repair in Burlington County, NJ. Your plants and lawn will thank you!