Water is a precious resource, even though the majority of our planet is covered in it! It seems like year after year, we’re always hearing about new restrictions on watering your landscape or water conservation efforts being made to limit waste. Unfortunately, this is a trend that’s only going to continue in the future, until the world is kinder to its water.
The funny thing is, water conservation and smart use of water isn’t all that hard—especially if you’re diligent in maintaining your sprinkler system in Burlington County, NJ. Take a look at some of the things you could be doing to make sure you’re doing your part in being smart with water this upcoming sprinkler season:
- Make sure your irrigation system is set up for “zone watering.” This is a layout that divides your landscape into different segments, each addressed by a specific sprinkler head. Zones ensure sprinklers don’t overlap and thus, don’t waste water. This also allows you to control what zones are being watered—you won’t have to waste water where moisture isn’t needed!
- Be stringent in how long and how often you water your landscape. Control is the key to eliminating waste! Many people find that automated systems take the responsibility out of having to manually turn on and off the water, which leads to preservation. There are even sensors that can help you avoid things like overwatering while it’s raining!
- Water at optimal times: specifically when winds are low and the sun isn’t hanging high in the sky. Low winds ensure proper moisture distribution without being skewed by gusts, while a lower sun means less direct light that won’t evaporate water at a quick pace, allowing it to saturate properly.
- Don’t waste water on things that don’t need it! Many people assume that if it’s growing it needs water, but that’s not always the case. Sure, everything needs water, but many plants are very adept at getting it and storing it for long periods of time. Water the things that need a little extra help and are showing signs of withering—don’t just water for the sake of watering.
- Routinely inspect your irrigation system to make sure that it’s performing to the highest standards possible. One of the biggest wastes of water is a system that’s overusing water or leaking while it’s working. Your irrigation system should be a fine-tuned one that disperses water with precision—if it’s not, it’s time to have a professional out to look at it.
If you have a sprinkler system in Burlington County, NJ, make sure you’re following the above tips and doing your part to conserve water. As you can plainly see, it’s not hard to water responsibly—all it takes is a little attention to detail and some smart planning on your part.
Consult with an irrigation contractor today if you believe there’s room for improvement in your system’s function and give yourself peace of mind that you’re doing everything you can to use water wisely.